Andara Crystals
Monatomic Andara Crystals have been placed at all the sacred sites on the planet, in the temple and the pyramid in Egypt. They have created a healing field surrounding this planet. Each Andara Crystal connects and links with all the others, and the sites and information at that location is available to those who can connect with their hearts and minds.
Monatomic Andara crystals positively affect the energy patterns that move through the body’s meridians. Andara crystals initiate electromagnetic balance and harmony via a positive-charged wave that restores and cleanses. The individual is blessed with greater creativity, enhanced mind body coordination, improved learning ability and less stress. Calmness and serenity can also result as mental clutter gives way to a more focused thought process.
Many experience the effects of Monatomic Andara crystals as dramatically expanded sensory perception and access to information beyond normal third dimensional channels. Intuition is increased, especially experiences of telepathic connection with other people or beings. Connections to your higher divine self are strengthened, increasing feelings of universal oneness, harmony and joy.
Monatomic Andara crystals are a soul enhancing, high vibrational healing tool that works on all levels; physical, emotional, and spiritual. The process creates a unique healing experience, individual for each person, assisting him or her in releasing unwanted energies while expanding their understanding of their true reality, closer to their original divine consciousness.
Monatomic Andara crystal is one of the master crystals, a healer and a powerful tool for: (1) increasing awareness and vibration to access universal knowledge; (2) cleaning and balancing chakras; (3) activates one’s energy-channeling ability; (4) accelerates the spiritual development process, and (5) aids a person to manifest the life s/he chooses.