Angelic Reiki 天使靈氣第三及四階 Level 3 & 4 兩天課程 (五月份)
Sat, 18 May
|Career and Kenson Industrial Mansion

18 May 2019, 10:00 am – 19 May 2019, 6:00 pm
Career and Kenson Industrial Mansion, Hong Kong, 九龍觀塘鴻圖道58號金凱工業大廈10樓10室
This workshop is a gift for anyone who wants to merge more deeply with the Angelic Kingdom of Light.
大天使梅塔特隆(Archangel Metatron)說,天使靈氣是我們的時間癒合,其目的是支持大家在自己的精神道路上尋求指導。我們都在道路上整合,實現我們是創造者眾生的真相,我們是實相的主人。天使靈氣第3&4工作坊為我們提供的工具與我們的靈魂能量合併,並履行我們在地球上的目的。
Archangel Metatron said that Angelic Reiki is the healing for our time and its purpose is to support everyone who seeks guidance on their own spiritual path. We are all on the path to integrating and realising the truth that we are creator beings, that we are masters of this reality. The Angelic Reiki 3 & 4 workshop provides the tools to merge with our Soul energy and fulfil our purpose on earth.
你準備好去更加明晰和接受個人責任,辨識你是你生命的創造者 - 而你可以改變的?
Are you ready to transcend karma, to step fully into your own power in the way that’s perfect for you?
Are you ready to fulfil your purpose and advance personally, spiritually, professionally?
Are you ready for greater clarity and acceptance of the personal responsibility involved in recognising that you are the creator of your life – and that you can change it?
Angelic Reiki Level 3 & 4 includes:
- 深層冥想
- 一個讓你對自己有更深了解的體驗機會,透過放鬆,癒合和擴展你的意識層達到合適你的位置
- 重溫第 1級和2級學習過的療癒技術
- 清晰奉獻、開/關癒合力和工作坊空間的目的與過程
- 學習天使能量和大天使的性質
- 切割在所有時間線上結下的業力
- 清晰並激活DNA
- 深度認知和初步接觸高我
- 天使頻率(13個符號形成一個網絡使多維癒合透過認知的過程中釋出。這些符號將被大天使塔特隆被激活至天使的水平,通過7個等級和神聖的形式。)
- 清洗並認知天使靈氣達到第3級。
- 清洗並實體釋放和認知達到靈氣4級。
Deep meditation
Opportunities to gain a deeper understanding of yourself while relaxing, healing and expanding your consciousness to the level that’s perfect for you
Revisiting healing techniques learnt at Level 1&2
Purpose and process of clearing, dedicating and opening/closing the healing and workshop space.
Review of the nature of Angelic energy and Archangels
Cutting of karmic ties throughout all time
DNA clearing and activation
Profound attunements and initiations to high Angelic frequencies (13 symbols which form a gateway to multidimensional healing are given during the attunements. These symbols will be activated by Archangel Metatron to Angelic level, through the 7 levels of form and Divine form.
Cleansing and attunement to Angelic Reiki 3rd degree.
Cleansing, entity release and attunement to Angelic Reiki 4th degree.
Level 3&4 Healing Techniques:
- 療癒猶如在亞特蘭蒂斯時期透過眼睛接觸
- 與你的靈魂群組融合
- 與神聖存在的能量進行療癒
Healing through Eye Contact as used in Atlantis
Merging with your Soul Group
Healing with the energies of the Divine Presence
Chance to share healing experiences and ask questions
Angelic Cosmic Ray Attunement
Master Archangelic Initiation
(Gifting by the Sarim, Archangelic Princes of the Angelic Kingdom, of many initiations and knowledge.)
Awakening of spiritual talents
Help in achieving change
Comprehensive Manual
and much more
關於 Michael Fan
I was made in Athens – Greece at 21st of April 1972 with Greek, Italian & Chinese flavor.
I studied camera & film making in Athens.
I have worked as a cameraman, shooting & directing videos for several TV shows for over 9 years.
Performing in TV commercials, dance theaters, profesional live fire juggling and street theatre shows.
Practiced Tai-Chi, Chi Kung, Za Zen meditation, Chinese Sword & Kung-Fu for more than 10 years.
1999年進入臼井靈氣 (Usui Reiki) 自然療法系統。
2000年到印度浦那 (Pune India) 接觸奧修能量。
2001年遇見蘇菲派大師Sheih Ibrahim Alia。
2004年成為卡魯娜及天使靈氣大師 (Karuna & Angelic Reiki)。
2005年成為梅爾卡巴 (Merkabah) 大師。
In 1999 I entered the Usui Reiki natural healing system.
In 2000 I traveled to Pune India and met Osho’ s energy.
The same year I have started my Aura-Soma® journey.
My life started transforming fast.
In 2001 I met my Sufi Master Sheih Ibrahim Alia.
In 2003 I have completed the Usui Reiki Master Teacher degree &
in 2004 I became a Karuna & Angelic Reiki Master.
In 2005 I became Merkabah Master Teacher.
Teaching the above since then.
課程資料 / About the course:
日期 / Date:5月18日 (六) 及19日 (日) / 18th (Sat) - 19th (Sun) May
時間 / Time:10am - 6pm
地點 / Venus:九龍觀塘鴻圖道58號金凱工業大廈10樓10室 / Rm 10, 10/F, Career and Kenson Industrial Mansion, 58 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
語言 / Language:英文 / English
費用 / Fee:HKD3,999 (4月15日前或以前報名及全數繳費,可享Early Bird HKD3,555) / Enjoy Early Bird HKD3,555 by registration and full payment on or before 15th Apr)
** 與Angelic Reiki 天使靈氣第一及二階兩天課程一同報讀可享優惠 HKD6,888 (4月15日前或以前報名及全數繳費,可享Early bird HKD5,888)
** HKD6,888 by registration of Level 1-4 (Enjoy Early Bird HKD5,888 by registration and full payment on or before 15th Apr)
50% off for re-enrolling students. Please feel free to contact us for details.
Angelic Reiki 天使靈氣第三及第四階優惠價
如4月15日前報讀及全數繳費,可享優惠 HKD3,555 (原價HKD3,999)
HK$3,999.00銷售已完結Angelic Reiki 天使靈氣第一至第四階優惠
如4月15日前報讀及全數繳費,可享優惠 HKD5,888 (原價HKD6,888)