Angelic Reiki 天使靈氣第一及二 Level 1 & 2 階兩天課程 (九月份)
Thu, 19 Sept
|Career and Kenson Industrial Mansion
19 Sept 2019, 10:00 am – 20 Sept 2019, 5:00 pm
Career and Kenson Industrial Mansion, Hong Kong, 九龍觀塘鴻圖道58號金凱工業大廈10樓10室
能與光之天使王國 (Angelic Kingdom of Light) 攜手把療癒系統中最重要的形式之一帶至個人、群體,以及全球,我們感到無比喜悅。天使們存在於各個不同維度,祂們是宇宙主程式的程式設計大師。在祂們的指導與靈氣的療癒藝術下,我們可據神聖意志 (Divine Will) 對個人和群體在物理、情感、思想層面的能量系統發揮正面影響。人類及地球正處於關鍵時刻,過去潛藏已久的問題逐漸浮現,提醒我們是時候將其淨化處理。我們的細胞帶著這些印記 (imprints),經過數世在其他星球的輪迴,甚至今世在地球仍然影響著我們。現在,藉著天使超越時空的能量引領,這些問題終於可以被解決了。當你成為一個治癒師,希望與天使同行,這是為自己、為所有人提供偉大而美好的服務。
It is the absolute joy of working hand in hand with the Angelic Kingdom of Light to bring one of the highest forms of healing to individuals, groups and the planet. Angels are beings who exist outside the different dimensions as we know them. They are the Master Programmers of the Main Programme we know as the Universe. Through their guidance, and the healing art of Reiki, we can positively influence the creative energy systems of any individual or group, according to Divine Will. This could be on a physical, emotional or mental level. At this momentous time in the history of Humanity and the Earth, issues are surfacing to be cleared that have their roots deep in the past. We carry the imprints of these at cellular level and they are often worked out through many incarnations, on this and on other planets. These issues are available to be cleared now, through the ability of the Angels to transcend time and space as we know it. As a healer willing to work with the Angels in this way, you offer a great and wonderful service to all, and yourselves.
工作坊共分兩階段。第一階段是帶人類回到原來的療癒頻率。這是靈氣,是源自列穆利亞 (Lemuria) 時期的一些療癒符號。而將在工作坊上教導的靈氣符號乃經天使頻率調頻。你更將獲一位療癒天使永遠守護。
The Purpose of this workshop is two-fold. Firstly, it is to restore to Humanity the original healing vibration given out at the time of Lemuria in the form of the healing symbols we now know as Reiki. The symbols given in this workshop are the Reiki symbols attuned through the Angelic vibration. As part of this workshop a Healing Angel will give you the attunement and then work with you on a permanent basis.
Secondly, it is to impart to the student a complete system of healing used in conjunction with the Angels and the Reiki symbols. This involves working with chakras, Colour, Crystals and Flower Remedies. The student is given practical ‘hands on’ experience in healing methodology and the ability to attune the tools of their trade.
* 天使靈氣第二階包括學習8個神聖符號。
* 點化前可享用一套完整的業力轉化及天使清理。
* 連結一位療癒天使,永遠守護。
* 療癒實習。同學可成為療癒天使使者,傳達靈氣符號,作第一步神聖療癒。
* 一次透過大天使梅塔特隆 (Metatron) 在十一維度的光之天使王國點化。
* 一顆大師水晶,載有神聖天使的療癒典章 (Divine Angelic Codes of Healing)。
* Full attunement to Angelic Reiki 2nd Degree which includes 8 Divine Multidimensional Symbols.
* A complete Karma Cutting and Angelic Clearing prior to taking the attunement.
* Given a Healing Angel to work with you on a permanent basis.
* Hands on healing experience, being a channel for healing energy through your Healing Angel, through the Reiki Symbols and the first steps in Multidimensional Healing.
* An attunement to the Angelic Kingdom of Light at the 11th dimension through the Archangel Metatron.
* A Master Crystal to hold the Divine Angelic Codes of Healing.
工作坊帶來的體驗極具能量,為吸收揚升的銀河能量 (Galactic Energy) 建立基礎,並喚出你潛藏的靈性力量 (Spiritual Power) 及智慧 (Knowledge),讓自己成為原來的揚升大師 (Ascended Master)。
This workshop is a powerful experience and lays the ground for the incoming Galactic Energy of the Ascension. It places you in your own Spiritual Power and Knowledge of yourself as the Ascended Master that you truly are.
關於 Michail Fan
I was made in Athens – Greece at 21st of April 1972 with Greek, Italian & Chinese flavor.
I studied camera & film making in Athens.
I have worked as a cameraman, shooting & directing videos for several TV shows for over 9 years.
Performing in TV commercials, dance theaters, profesional live fire juggling and street theatre shows.
Practiced Tai-Chi, Chi Kung, Za Zen meditation, Chinese Sword & Kung-Fu for more than 10 years.
1999年進入臼井靈氣 (Usui Reiki) 自然療法系統。
2000年到印度浦那 (Pune India) 接觸奧修能量。
2001年遇見蘇菲派大師Sheih Ibrahim Alia。
2004年成為卡魯娜及天使靈氣大師 (Karuna & Angelic Reiki)。
2005年成為梅爾卡巴 (Merkabah) 大師。
In 1999 I entered the Usui Reiki natural healing system.
In 2000 I traveled to Pune India and met Osho’ s energy.
The same year I have started my Aura-Soma® journey.
My life started transforming fast.
In 2001 I met my Sufi Master Sheih Ibrahim Alia.
In 2003 I have completed the Usui Reiki Master Teacher degree &
in 2004 I became a Karuna & Angelic Reiki Master.
In 2005 I became Merkabah Master Teacher.
Teaching the above since then.
課程資料 / About the course:
日期 / Date:9月19日 (四) 及20日 (五) / 19th (Thur) - 20th (Fri) September
時間 / Time:10am - 5pm
地點 / Venue:九龍觀塘鴻圖道58號金凱工業大廈10樓10室 /
Rm 10, 10/F, Career and Kenson Industrial Mansion, 58 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
語言 / Language:英文 / English
費用 / Fee:HKD3,666 (8月21日前或以前報名及全數繳費,可享Early Bird HKD3,333) (Enjoy Early Bird rate at HKD3,333 by registration and full payment on or before 21st Aug)
** 與Angelic Reiki 天使靈氣第三及四階兩天課程一同報讀可享優惠 HKD6,888 (8月21日前或以前報名及全數繳費,可享Early bird HKD5,888)
** HKD6,888 by registration of Level 1 - 4 (Enjoy Early Bird rate HKD5,888 by registration and full payment on or before 21st Aug)
50% off for re-enrolling students. For details please email to us.
Angelic Reiki 天使靈氣 Lv1-2
如4月15日前報讀及全數繳費,可享優惠 HKD3,333 (原價HKD3,666) Early Bird at HKD3,333 (original HKD3,666) by registration and full payment on or before 31st Jul
HK$3,666.00銷售已完結Angelic Reiki 天使靈氣 Lv 1-4
如8月21日前報讀及全數繳費,可享優惠 HKD5,888 (原價HKD6,888) Early Bird at HKD5,888 (original HKD6,888) by registration and full payment on or before 21st Aug.