黃金梅爾卡巴創造之心2天高階工作坊 (九月份)
Sat, 14 Sept
|Career and Kenson Industrial Mansion
一個為所有人而設的課程 在黃金之心創造力梅爾卡巴基礎課程,我們將於很多不同的層次上探索神聖幾何的不同方面;自古老時代,這都是希臘、埃及、瑪雅文明、藝術、建築等全球很多不同神秘學校中的入門階梯,是卡巴拉背後的連結。 透過梅爾卡巴靜心,我們將能接觸個人內在的創造力,並與之產生更廣大的連結,以便與創造者及「創造」本身產生更多具意識的互動。 「梅爾」代表光 - 「卡」代表靈 - 「巴」代表肉身載具

14 Sept 2019, 10:00 am – 15 Sept 2019, 5:00 pm
Career and Kenson Industrial Mansion, Hong Kong, 九龍觀塘鴻圖道58號金凱工業大廈10樓10室
- 啟動最高層次的兩個柏拉圖立體:連結我們並打開第三眼和第七脈輪
- 透過梅塔特隆立體和生命之花,啟動整個梅爾卡巴靜心
- 探索古老神秘學院從前是如何進行梅爾卡巴靜心,與及現代中對我們有何益處
- 更深入了解我們的肉體如何能儲存更多光,與及如何自這課堂起於日常生活中觸及更多光
- 隨著我們與地球在此時此刻透過意識來揚昇,我們將更廣大地了解及認識到光體的12個層次,與及到底我們的肉身因為意識揚昇而真正發生著什麼變化
- 在不同層次中體驗我們的意識
- 清理38個脈輪,協助意識的擴展
- 啟動7個氣/能量中心,協助意識的擴展
- 啟動12個靈性能量場域於7個梅爾卡巴當中,以便於這個時期擴展意識,每天24小時、一星期7天完全地為你每件進行的活動貫注能量
- 完成高級課程可獲得證書乙張
From Ancient time, that Sacred Geometry was the stepping stone for mystery schools around the globe in Greece, Egypt, The Mayas, in arts, architecture etc...
The connection behind the Kabbalah
In the Advanced Merkabah workshop
* Activation of the two most higher Platonic Solids that are connecting us and opening the third eye chakra and seventh chakra.
* We activate the whole Merkabah meditation through the Cube of Metatron & the Flower of Life.
* We explore how the Old Mystery Schools were doing that in the past and how it is useful for us now days.
* A deeper understanding of how our physical bodies can accumulate more Light and have access in everyday life from now on.
* A wider perspective, recognition and understanding of the Awakening of the twelve levels of the Light body as we and the Earth Light body ascends through consciousness at this point in time, and what is really happening in the physical body, because of that.
* Experiencing our Consciousness expansion at different level.
* Cleansing of 38 Chakras to Facilitate Expansions of Consciousness
* Activation of 7 Pranic Energy Centers for Expansions of Consciousness
* Activation of 12 Spiritual energy Fields into 7 Merkabah allows Expansions of Consciousness 24 hours a day, 7 days a week totally energize any activity you may be practicing at this time.
* Certificate of Attendance
In my opinion the Advanced Merkabah workshop is a very powerful tool for the permanent connection with our true source.
關於 Michael Fan
I was made in Athens – Greece at 21st of April 1972 with Greek, Italian & Chinese flavor.
I studied camera & film making in Athens.
I have worked as a cameraman, shooting & directing videos for several TV shows for over 9 years.
Performing in TV commercials, dance theaters, profesional live fire juggling and street theatre shows.
Practiced Tai-Chi, Chi Kung, Za Zen meditation, Chinese Sword & Kung-Fu for more than 10 years.
1999年進入臼井靈氣 (Usui Reiki) 自然療法系統。
2000年到印度浦那 (Pune India) 接觸奧修能量。
2001年遇見蘇菲派大師Sheih Ibrahim Alia。
2004年成為卡魯娜及天使靈氣大師 (Karuna & Angelic Reiki)。
2005年成為梅爾卡巴 (Merkabah) 大師。
In 1999 I entered the Usui Reiki natural healing system.
In 2000 I traveled to Pune India and met Osho’ s energy.
The same year I have started my Aura-Soma® journey.
My life started transforming fast.
In 2001 I met my Sufi Master Sheih Ibrahim Alia.
In 2003 I have completed the Usui Reiki Master Teacher degree &
in 2004 I became a Karuna & Angelic Reiki Master.
In 2005 I became Merkabah Master Teacher.
Teaching the above since then.
課程資料 / About the course:
日期 / Date:9月14日 (六) 及15日 (日) / 21st (Sat) - 22nd (Sun) Sep
時間 / Time:10am - 5pm
地點 / Venue:九龍觀塘鴻圖道58號金凱工業大廈10樓10室 /
Rm 10, 10/F, Career and Kenson Industrial Mansion, 58 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
語言 / Language:英文 / English
費用 / Fee:HKD3,999 (8月21日前或以前報名及全數繳費,可享Early Bird HKD3,555) (Enjoy Early Bird rate at HKD3,555 by registration and full payment on or before 21st Aug)
** 與黃金梅爾卡巴創造之心2天高階工作坊一同報讀可享優惠 HKD6,888 (8月21日前或以前報名及全數繳費,可享Early bird HKD5,888)
** HKD6,888 by registration of Advanced Golden Heart Merkabah of Creation 2 days course (Enjoy Early Bird rate HKD5,888 by registration and full payment on or before 21st Aug)
50% off for re-enrolling students. For details please email to us.
如8月21日前報讀及全數繳費,可享優惠 HKD3,555 (原價HKD3,999) Early Bird at HKD3,555 (original HKD3,999) by registration and full payment on or before 21st Aug
如8月21日前報讀及全數繳費,可享優惠 HKD5,888 (原價HKD6,888) Early Bird at HKD5,888 (original HKD6,888) by registration and full payment on or before 21st Aug