08 May 2021, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Heart Forest, 18 Yip Shing St, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
Have you ever experience “Deja vu”? Have you ever picked a card or mahjong but you know exactly what it is beforehand? Do you ever felt hot or cold when someone besides you being emotional? You might be experiencing your own psychic sense! Psychic ability is like super power nowadays, but it is actually not. Every one has a certain degree of psychic senses. It is only about do you know how to use it, or do you ever know it is actually an ability. Come to this fun workshop and experience how powerful you actually are.
Psychic ability is nothing new. In the primitive times, human being live in the nature and has to be extremely careful to the predators like tiger or jaguar. We have our special instinct to save ourselves from danger. The modern life and society try so hard to put down all the personal power. Imagination and creativity are being put down, and every mom wants you to be a doctor when you grow up. That is why the children always have psychic experience, and forgot everything when they became adults.
In this workshop, you will be tapping back into our true nature, opening all our available senses and experience the world once again. This is a short list of possible activities (depends on time and availability):
- Clairsentience (to feel) – feeling the crystals
- Clairsentience (to feel) – feeling your own energy
- Psychokinesis (to move) – spoon bending
- Psychokinesis (to move) – pendulum dowsing
- Clairvoyance (to see) – remote viewing
- Clair-knowing (to understand) – intuition reading, card reading, crystal reading.
- Clair-knowing (to understand) – automatic writing
- Clair-audience (to hear) – meditation journeys
- Clair-scent (to smell) – identifying the vibration of essential oils
- “Hide & seek” – opening all your senses, and pick up relevant information for a hidden matter.
Jerry will also demonstrate how he combines his psychic abilities and use it in completely different way:
- Sound Toning – Clairsentience + Clairknowing
- “Light stroke” special hand gestures – Clairsentience + Clairvoyance
- “Light sketches” written frequencies – Clairsentience + Clairknowing
We are born to be different, so as our abilities. However, through training and practice, the abilities could be enhanced or “remembered”. Never compare with others about your own performance. Believe that our divine blueprints are giving us the best package for the most relevant lessons and challenges in our lives.
Things to note:
- Wear comfortable clothes, loose and soft. Tight clothes hinder your senses.
- Try to eat light and rest well for at least 3 days before workshop. Cutting off caffeine, spices, high fat food would help.
- Items to bring along: writing materials (notebook, pen…), crystals, pendulums, decks of cards, authentic essential oils, or anything spiritual item you would like.
日期:2021年5月8日 (星期六)
時間:10am - 5pm
地點:葵興業成街18號星星中心 (The Star) 21樓2115室 (葵興港鐵店E出口到九龍貿易中心,經葵安工廠大廈旁樓梯上)
關於Jerry Sanctus及他的工作 …
Jerry Sanctus是一位超視力及超感知靈性工作者,辛勤謙卑地由2001年服務大眾至今。他可以閱讀能量及頻率,在他的靈視力(第三眼)中,會顯現成顏色、線條、光影及煙霧。他只需要觀察便能快速準確地閱讀一個人的各種訊息,並不需要借助傳統占卜工具,例如靈擺或塔羅牌。